
Content to help you thoughtfully design your life on your own terms, whether its moving to your dream destination or traveling the world.

7 posts

The Dark Side Of 'Good Vibes'

The Dark Side Of 'Good Vibes'

How 'toxic positivity' can invalidate our emotions and ultimately leave us feeling worse.

A Zero Sum Game

A Zero Sum Game

Flipping the idea of a traditional budget on its head, here’s how giving every dollar a job could transform your finances.

In Too Deep

In Too Deep

Why the 'sunk cost fallacy' might be causing you to hold on to things that no longer serve you.

Your Internal GPS: How To Find Your 'Why'

Your Internal GPS: How To Find Your 'Why'

Five questions to ask yourself to help unearth your life purpose.

In The Driver's Seat

In The Driver's Seat

On free will, the universe, and how much control we have over our own lives.

Shoot For The Moon, Land In The Stars

Shoot For The Moon, Land In The Stars

Why you should be dreaming bigger — and how to actually do it when the world is telling you to 'be realistic'

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